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The Cost of Recycling

The cost of recycling on municipal governments can vary anywhere from $100 to $300 per ton

The cost to collect, transport, clean, and process recycled material can vary anywhere from $100 to $300 per ton! However, the cost to recycle is not a complete loss: recycled materials that are made into new products and sold help make money back.

It was reported that in Atlantic County, New Jersey, the sale of goods made from recycled material generated $2.45 million, while the cost of processing the recycled materials cost the county over $3 million.

However, the cost of recycling for a citizen is often too free or even profitable as many states such as California, Delaware, Hawaii, and more have bottle laws that allow citizens to return bottles and cans for a small profit. This also applies to many European countries such as Germany, Norway, and Sweden.

recycling bins